So, at the crack of dawn Friday morning, my parents and I jetted off to Boston with a full car and lots of excitement. I watched Tangled in the car, which is unnecessary to say but I enjoyed it so there you go.
We got to campus at around 9:30, and after I obtained my dorm key, we went up to the room to start the surprising hellish process of unpacking. I thought it would be a cinch! I pictured smiling faces and passing along various objects of my room in an assembly line fashion, while singing show tunes or discussing happy things, like waffles and puppies. (Or puppies dressed up as waffles.)
NO. WARNING: THAT IS NOT WHAT HAPPENS. What happened was this:
Me: irritated and stressed, about to strangle both of my parents, while trying to make sense of my tiny living space.
My Mother: trying to get me to do something, anything productive, while trying to organize my clothes for me.
My Father: trying to hook up the printer and tv, and reminding me that both objects are not supplied with necessary wires needed for them to work, while somehow ALWAYS being in my way.
Now, don't misunderstand, I love that they were there to help me, and I really appreciate their help, but we were somehow always in each others way or on each others nerves. It was the most agonizing 3 hours of my life. (It could have been less time, but to tell you the truth it felt like 5.)
Then, they left and I got my books. ALL OF THEM. I carried ALL of them in my backpack across campus, (THAT was quite a hike,) and then picked up my charlie card. Next day I got up at 6, (not a clue as to why,) got ready, did groceries, did laundry and other general livelihood things. To be honest, doing all this "living on your own" stuff made me feel like a child playing house. I guess it still hasn't kicked in.
Later that day, I was Matriculated, went to Splash, (THEY PLAYED GANGNUM STYLE! I tried to see if the Korean Student Association people did the dance, but I wasn't close enough to see,) and then I met up with a friend and went for Fro-Yo. (I walked up the stairs up t my room on the twelfth floor on my way back to make up for it, thank you.)
Today was also pretty uneventful. I went to the gym and on the Harbor cruise, but that's about the only interesting thing to report. Classes tomorrow!!!! :O
well, goodbye for now!
Mel: The Unpacked and Exhausted.
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